Wednesday, March 14, 2007

C2C hits value bang on target (part-1)

(Ritwik Donde)

In the beginning it was B2B. Then B2C came. Today it's the day and age of C2C branding. Brands now are gradually starting to make a foray into the world-wide web, as blogs and community web sites are catching the attention of Indian marketers.

Be it Cadbury's, HLL Sunsi1k's or Pepsi's The Blue Billion. Brand marketers have morphed their efforts to weave branding element in consumers' e-lives. User-generated content is changing the advertising and marketing paradigms. Says Cadbury India director marketing Sanjay Purohit: "The digi-media is clearly evolving as a critical touch point to reach, inform and influence consumers. And it would be a wise long-term e-strategy to optimise such a medium in terms of its direct impact on the actual purchase behaviour.

The target audience is clearly the youth under 30 years: an average age of population generally found at such websites; Although the initial rumblings for such a new kind of marketing are seen mainly in FMCG space, market watchers say that it is only time before there the cascading effect is seen towards other sectors such as automotive, lifestyle products and-may be, even the art markets. However, in the present scenario, brands are looking at web portals for value addition to the traditional means of advertising and marketing than seeking volumes growth from marketing through such alternative means. "Take the Blue Billion community for example, ”explains Pepsi's executive director-marketing Punita Lal, while such sites act to create a consumer pull towards the brand, other media then are used to publicise their existence to the consumers. They would never replace the tradition advertising media but helping getting a large addressable less than one root.”

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